Tag Archives: traveling

Our Visit to Koulumäen B&B

Koulumäen B&B is an idyllic, small bed & breakfast place offering accommodation to passers-by in the picturesque small town of Kärkölä, located in the province of Southern Finland. Kärkölä is a part of the Päijänne Tavastia region. Koulumäki was originally an elementary school building, but like so many other school buildings in the Finnish countryside, …

The Wallis Adventure, part 1: My First Ever AirB&B Experience

Destination: Savièse, Wallis, Switzerland Travel Diary: Since the times had not exactly been approving for traveling abroad lately, on our summer holidays we decided to try some home country tourism instead. We had been talking about exploring the Wallis area on many occasions. Now seemed like a perfect time to execute the plan. We figured …