Destination: Perimukweg am Cheisacher, Jurapark, Aargau, Switzerland Travel Diary:It was supposed to be a beautiful spring day in the Middle Earth, and we wanted to go for a hike after the long, grey, foggy winter days. We had it all figured out. We found a hiking trail suitable for kids nearby. It was located in …
Destination: Savièse, Wallis, Switzerland Travel Diary: Since the times had not exactly been approving for traveling abroad lately, on our summer holidays we decided to try some home country tourism instead. We had been talking about exploring the Wallis area on many occasions. Now seemed like a perfect time to execute the plan. We figured …
Destination: The Witches Trail, La Neuveville, Switzerland Travel Diary: Shall we go for a hike tomorrow? I suggested to my dear husband one evening during the so-it-seems-never-ending-lockdown. And he was with me, ready to hit the road like always (Luckily, going outside has not been forbidden in Switzerland as long as you are willing to …
Destination: NYON (CH) – YVOIRE (France) Travel Diary: Have you ever tried to travel with a toddler who either accidentally (or on purpose?? mind you…) decides to wreck just about everything (naturally with a little help from his sibling)? Every single plan, every single detail, everything? Well, I have. And every time it happens I …
Destination: Kugelweg, Hasliberg (Switzerland) Travel Diary: It was a sunny morning, and as often happens on such mornings, we started to feel a sudden urge to go somewhere. Somehow it always happens… like somebody lighted a fire under our butts! This morning the better half of our little family was dreaming of mountains… and the …
Destination: Lüterkofen – Nyon – Geneva – La Garenne School holiday was coming up and we did not have a chance to go on a proper holiday. Unfortunately my dear Husband’s work was stopping us from doing any REAL journeys, so we decided to do a SHORT getaway instead. But how much can you do …
Destination:, Lausanne (Switzerland) Travel Diary: We had some very dear visitors from our very dear home country, and therefore decided to do something special over the weekend. We had autocratically chosen the destination area beforehand, me and my husband, but now we were discussing what to do once we reach the destination. We were …
We have been back home a few weeks now and our hilarious road trip is just one nice memory amongst others. It is good to be home for a chance. Unpack our belongings, wash the laundry, see our friends and neighbors etc. You know the thrill. But I can’t help but wonder. I enjoy reading …
Three countries, endless hours and thousands of kilometers in the car. We felt we’d just about had enough for driving around for now. It was time to head home. Early morning, the day after Swedish Wedding (read the story here), we packed our belongings to Skoda das Auto and hit the road. The goal was …
We had one more place to be before heading our faithful servant, Skoda das Auto, towards home. Earlier this year, planning our road trip took a rather unexpected turn when we heard that my dear husband’s favorite cousin was getting married. We didn’t want to miss out on this long-awaited event, so we decided to …