Destination: Perimukweg am Cheisacher, Jurapark, Aargau, Switzerland Travel Diary:It was supposed to be a beautiful spring day in the Middle Earth, and we wanted to go for a hike after the long, grey, foggy winter days. We had it all figured out. We found a hiking trail suitable for kids nearby. It was located in …
Destination: Knies Kinder Zoo, Rapperswil, Switzerland Travel Diary: Our little Prince Charming has been obsessed about visiting a zoo for quite some time now. He has millions of questions like “do tigers like to swim?” or “can dolphins swim in the air? (whatever that is supposed to mean…)” or “what do the monkeys like to …
Did I ever mention that I come from Finland? Yes, the country of SNOW and ICE and polar lights. And LONG winters. The country of WINTER SPORTS. The country where every kid learns to SKI and SKATE almost before they can even WALK… Therefore, I find it just a LITTLE BIT disturbing, that my kids …
Destinations: Verkehrshaus (Swiss Museum of Transport), Luzern. Ikea, Rothenburg. Travel Diary, part 1: Verkehrshaus (Swiss Museum of Transport), Luzern Our little prince charming had a very stony week, so to say… He started it by falling from the stairs, making a spectacular somersault and landing head-first. Oh my, that was scary. And the amount of …
Tonight my little prince charming took a hit on his head. Yes, literally. He fell on his head. And as always, this kind of accidents tend to happen in the evening, when it is almost time for bed. Well, guess what? I didn’t feel like putting him to a bed right after his forehead was …
Destination: Heidegg Castle, Switzerland (If you are looking for the recipe for chocolate bananas, scroll down to the end of the travel diary!) Travel Diary: It was a beautiful Saturday morning and none of us needed to go anywhere. No work, no school, no other distractions. Our little princess got it stuck in her head …
Destination: home Travel Diary: It felt just like monday… only, it was not. It was a Saturday. We had a very busy day. I am not going into all details, but it did include preparing breakfast for our guests, feeding and taking care of a bunch of horses and, buying new shoes for our little …
Destination: Fontis Bookstore, Aarau, Switzerland Bookaholic’s Travel Diary: It is clear that no matter how much we love exploring the world around us and traveling from one place to another, no one can always be hitting the road again. Firstly, family. It is not always that simple to drag the little kids everywhere with you. …
Destination: Mountain Weissenstein, Solothurn, Switzerland Travel Diary: ”Mommy, where is the sun?” It is the question my two-year-old asks every morning, usually over the breakfast table. And every morning, I give him the same answer: “Sweetie, I think the sun is hiding behind the clouds. This particular morning we were eating breakfast at grandma’s, and …
Destination: Finland Travel Diary: As some of you may already know, Finland is my original home country. That is probably, why I don’t think of traveling there as ”traveling”… maybe that is also the reason why it is the only one place in the whole wide world where I would go with two little kids, …