Destination: Val d’Hérémence, Valais (Wallis), Switzerland Travel Diary: (Foreword: If you want to know what happened before, read the first part of our Wallis Adventure here –>) It was a foggy morning in our Air B&B house in Saviése, Wallis (Valais). We had more or less slept in our cozy beds (you know how it …
Destination: Savièse, Wallis, Switzerland Travel Diary: Since the times had not exactly been approving for traveling abroad lately, on our summer holidays we decided to try some home country tourism instead. We had been talking about exploring the Wallis area on many occasions. Now seemed like a perfect time to execute the plan. We figured …
Destination: Heididorf, Maienfeld, Switzerland Travel Diary: Maybe you’re familiar with Johanna Spyri’s delightful story about Heidi, the little orphan girl with an extraordinary character? (to learn more about the story click here) Heidi’s story was originally written as a book and I dare to say it is the best known swiss story around the world… …
Destination: NYON (CH) – YVOIRE (France) Travel Diary: Have you ever tried to travel with a toddler who either accidentally (or on purpose?? mind you…) decides to wreck just about everything (naturally with a little help from his sibling)? Every single plan, every single detail, everything? Well, I have. And every time it happens I …
Destinations: Iisalmi & Kangasniemi, Finland Travel Diary: It felt like good old times… +17 degrees and raining. Because it says so in the calendar, never mind the weather, it must be summer. So we grabbed our swimsuits and towels and drove to the nearest lake. It was beautiful. Rain drops breaking the surface of the …
Destination: San Pedro del Pinatar, Spain Travel Diary: I grew up on the Bothnian Bay, and so it is that I have always loved the sea. The sounds of the water and the colors related to different seasons and the smell of salty sea air. And yes, that was probably the most difficult thing for …